GL-TTP and AEP: Together we stand, divided we fall! (2009)

GL-TTP and AEP: Together we stand, divided we fall!

Grain Legumes Technology Transfer Platform (GL-TTP) was initiated in 2005 by the EU Grain Legumes Integrated Project (GLIP) to ensure the exploitation of the project outputs by the grain legume industry. GL-TTP has been created to facilitate collaborative efforts for carrying out scientific survey and making value of technology for the purposes of applied legume crop breeding. It aimed to facilitate and expedite the genetic improvement of grain legume varieties to suit the needs expressed by the grain legume producers and end-users. However upon GLIP termination in 2008 it was difficult to maintain it viable. Inspite of this second GLTTP worshop was held in late 2009 in Serbia, with over 80 participants. In parallel European Association for Grain Legume Research (AEP) exist, but face difficulties. It has been proposed to either fuse together or establish novel broader society.

Grain legumes. January 2009, No. 51:

Mikič, Aleksandar