Klasifikátor ľanu siateho (Linum usitatissimum L.) ako nenahraditeľný nástroj pre selekciu, klasifikáciu a charakterizáciu genotypov (2014)

List of descriptors for Linum usitatissimum L. as unreplaceable tool for selection, classification and characterization of genotypes

The aim of this work was to present developed list of descriptors for Linum usitatissimum L.. The lack of complete tool, needful for evaluation and characterization of genetic resources, was the main purpose of its creation. The list of descriptors was developed through international cooperation of three institutions – Agritec Plant Research Ltd.. Šumperk, N. I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry in Petersburg and Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. It consists from three main parts. In general chapters the origin, taxonomy and morphology of species L. usitatissimum L. is characterized. The list of descriptors by itself forms the second part. The methodologies for descriptors creation and evaluation of genetic resources, then the passport descriptors and the descriptors for characterization and evaluation are placed in this part. In the third part are the attachments – the list of growing stages and reference varieties. The list of descriptors was processed as the combination of five existed international systems for evaluation. As well the experiences of involved experts are the guarantee of the originality, completeness, and wide utilization of this work.

Úroda: vědecká příloha časopisu [CD]. 2014, 62 (2), 15–20 ISSN: 0139-6013 Klíčová slova: flax; linseed; Linum usitatissimum L.; descriptor

Nôžková Janka, Brutch Nina, Brindza Ján
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