Agritec Plant Research Ltd (APR) is a research organisation located in Šumperk (Czech Republic), dealing with applied research in agriculture, especially with growing, breeding, usage and integrated protection of fibre crops, grain legumes and oil plants. APR was established in 2002 as a subsidiary of the parent company, AGRITEC, výzkum, šlechtění a služby, s.r.o. (AGRITEC, Research, Breeding and Services, Ltd.)

The history of this company dates to 1942. Throughout its existence, it has dealt with the research of fibre plants and later also with pulses. APR is a non‑profit organisation in accordance with the Community Framework for State Aid focused on research, development and innovation instituted by the European Commission, and, as such, reinvests all funds back into research.
Main Activities
At present, the company is engaged mainly in applied and fundamental research in agriculture, the environment and the food industry. Major activities include research on gene sources of grain legumes and flax, research into genetic breeding and biotechnological methods of flax, grain legumes, winter rape, cannabis and caraway, research in the field of growing technologies and integrated protection of these crops. Another important activity is the breeding of new varieties of pea, oil flax, rape and caraway, and maintenance breeding of own and licensed varieties. The company is engaged in research into the use of linseed for nutrition, the use of short fibre from oil flax as an industrial raw material. Other activities include the production of grain legume and flax seed.
Research and maintenance of germplasm resources of grain legumes and flax in the framework of National Programme for Maintenance and Conservation of Germplasm Resources of Culture Crops CR and FAO
- Application of biochemical and molecular markers and image analysis for exact characterization of germplasm resources
Genetics, breeding and biotechnology of grain legumes, flax, hemp, winter rape and caraway
- Improvement of resistance to the complex of fungal pathogens of pea, flax, linseed, winter rape, medicinal and spice plants
- Genetic transformation of pea and flax
- Application of molecular markers for cultivar identification and marker-assisted selection
- Transgene detection in plants and plant-derived products
- Study of environmental risks caused by GMO (pea, flax, winter rape)
- Somatic embryogenesis in grain legumes, molecular markers and regeneration in vitro
- Dihaploid production in flax and winter rape via anther and microspore cultures
- Breeding of linseed with altered composition of fatty acids in seed oil
Agrotechnology of grain legumes and technical crops
- Agrotechnology of pea, lupin, soy, faba bean, linseed, hemp and caraway
- Utilization of flax and hemp for phytoremediation of heavy metals
- Utilization of legume-cereal intercropping
- Integrated protection of grain legumes, linseed and other crops
- Research of insect pests of legumes and technical crops
- Pesticide application – protection against pests and diseases
- Integrated protection of caraway and medicinal crops (Milk thistle)
Breeding of Legumes and Technical Crops
- Peas with complex resistance to fungal pathogens
- Linseed with altered composition of fatty acids in seed oil
- Caraway with high yield and high content of essential oil
- Hybrid winter rape based on CMS-system
- Representation of foreign companies for variety testing
- Seed testing for biological quality
- Production, adjustment, storage and sale of seeds of grain legumes, linseed, hemp and caraway
Specialize Services for Breeders and Agriculture
- Cultivar identification by molecular markers
- Seed testing for healthy status and biological quality
- Recommendation of suitable cultivars for various growing regions
- Pesticide testing in the framework of registration procedure of the State Phytosanitary Administration CR
- Application of the system of integrated protection against pests, diseases and weeds
- Methodological recommendations for the application of plant protection chemicals
- Laboratory tests of biological efficiency of fungicides
- Laboratory, greenhouse and field tests of breeding materials for resistance to the complex of fungal pathogens
- Chemical analyses of proteins, lipids, fatty acids, starch, antinutritional substances and inorganic microelements in plants and soil
- Agrochemical testing of soil samples
- Application of biotechnological methods for plant breeding (anther cultures, dihaploid production, seed mutagenesis)
- Immunochemical analyses of plant viruses and mycotoxins
- Identification of transgenes in plants and food
- Sale of pesticides
- Library services and literature search services
Facilities and Resources
- Chemical and biochemical laboratories with necessary equipment for analysis of plant and soil material, particularly for analysis of legume seeds and oilseeds composition
- Laboratory of molecular biology with equipment for isolation and analysis of plant genomic DNA
- Laboratories of biotechnology, entomology, phytopathology and image analysis
- Laboratory with a permition for work with GMOs
- Complete equipment for field and laboratory research, small plot sowing and harvesting machinery
- Glasshouses, hall for crop production
Contact information Agritec Plant Research Ltd.
Agritec Plant Research s.r.o.
Zemědělská 2520/16
787 01 ŠUMPERK
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 583 382 111