The Institute was founded in 1942 by relocating of workplace The Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Bastfaseforschung from Sorau in Silesia to the newly built offices in Šumperk. After the 2nd world war the institute was incorporated into the Ministry of Agriculture and renamed to Výzkumný ústav lnářský (Research Institute of Flax). The Institute was mainly focused on plant breeding, to a lesser extent on the growing research and plant protection.
Over the years there were many reorganizations – the significant change occured in 1961, when the company had started with research of legumes. The next major constitutional change was in 1977 when this company was transferred as an independent business managed by company Oseva, šlechtitelské a semenářské podniky Praha and was called Oseva, výzkumný a šlechtitelský ústav technických plodin a luskovin (Oseva, Research and Breeding Institute of Industrial Crops and Legumes.) Into the institute were incorporated the relevant specialized breeding stations and thus was research and breeding linked in one organization.
The most significant change in recent history occurred in 1994 when, in accordance to the government's decision, was Výzkumný ústav technických plodin a luskovin privatized. From the 1st September 1994 began, on the foundations and tradition of the older organization, operate and develop the work AGRITEC, výzkum, šlechtění a služby, s.r.o. (approximate translation = AGRITEC, Research, Breeding and Services Ltd.).