The effects of novel synthetic cytokinin derivatives and endogenous cytokinins on the in vitro growth responses of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) explants (2019)
SMÝKALOVÁ, Iva, Miroslava VRBOVÁ, Magdalena CVEČKOVÁ, Lenka PLAČKOVÁ, Asta ŽUKAUSKAITĖ, Marek ZATLOUKAL, Jakub HRDLIČKA, Lucie PLÍHALOVÁ, Karel DOLEŽAL a Miroslav GRIGA, 2019. The effects of novel synthetic cytokinin derivatives and endogenous cytokinins on the in vitro growth responses of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) explants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) [online]. [vid. 2019-10-01]. ISSN 1573-5044. Dostupné z: doi:10.1007/s11240-019-01693-5
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