The use of phosphomannose isomerase selection system for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tobacco and flax aimed for phytoremediation (2017)

HILGERT, Jitka, Martina SURA-DE JONG, Jiří FIŠER, Kateřina TUPÁ, Miroslava VRBOVÁ, Miroslav GRIGA, Tomáš MACEK a Jana ŽIAROVSKÁ. The use of phosphomannose isomerase selection system for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tobacco and flax aimed for phytoremediation. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes [online]. 2017, 52(5), 338–345. ISSN 0360-1234. Dostupné z: doi:10.1080/03601234.2017.1283136

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