Caraway (Carum carvi L.): Anther Culture and Production of DH Plants Caraway (2021)

SMÝKALOVÁ I., HORÁČEK J. (2021) Caraway (Carum carvi L.): Anther Culture and Production of DH Plants Caraway. In: Segui-Simarro J.M. (eds) Doubled Haploid Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2288. Humana, New York, NY.

We describe the production of doubled haploids through anther culture in caraway. Induction conditions for the cultivation of donor plants, anther collection, composition of culture media, and physical induction conditions for embryogenesis have been described. As a result, responsive lines with numerous haploid embryo production were obtained, which after colchicine treatment became fertile. From a practical point of view, two doubled haploid populations are tested under field conditions

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